Lily Woodfin

Lily Woodfin enrolled in the IT Academy to further her knowledge in computer hardware and software troubleshooting, and to improve her overall digital literacy. She began with IT Fundamentals+, a 10-week course that covers a wide range of IT concepts and introduces students to IT career pathways. After successfully completing the class and earning the CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ certification, Lily enrolled in the IT Academy’s A+ and Server+ courses and went on to earn the CompTIA A+ certification.
“The hands-on experience was my favorite part of the program. The IT Academy gave me the opportunity to gain experience with replacing hardware and troubleshooting various tech issues,” Lily shared.
With the skills and certifications she earned Lily was able to launch her career as a Microsoft Datacenter Technician. In addition to the IT skills gained, Lily credits the IT Academy’s employment success skills training with preparing her for a successful transition to the workforce.
“The IT Academy helped me prepare for the workforce by providing trainings for interviews, professional workplace practices, and attire. This training even included a mock interview session which helped me in my real interview just a week later, after which I landed the job.”
If you’re considering the IT Academy Lily has this advice: “Do it! The teachers are very knowledgeable and know of great opportunities for you to take the next steps in your career. Whether you’re just joining the workforce, or if you’re striving for a career change, the IT Academy at SVHEC will offer a wide range of classes so you can find your IT niche and confidently decide the next steps for your future.”