While there are no classes in session for the SVHEC’s Career Tech Academy, there’s no shortage of activity as the program hosts several summer camps for area students. June 20-23rd, the Career Tech Academy (CTA) hosted Halifax County’s Elementary Gifted Program for a week of hands-on exploration in IT, Welding, Energy, and Automation & Robotics. Students had an opportunity to learn more about each program area through hands-on activities and tours.
CTA staff next offered an IT focused camp for rising 8-10th grade students. Students in the CTA-IT camp were introduced to information technology, PC fundamentals, and IT careers through a variety of hands-on activities and interactive games. The SoVA Innovation Hub hosted the IT campers for a visit where Mid-Atlantic Broadband staff shared information about fiber optics and broadband, Microsoft TechSpark manager Jeremy Satterfield shared information about that initiative.
The Career Tech Academy will host an energy focused camp July 17-20th for rising 8th-10th grade students. Interested students are encouraged to register online at www.svhec.org/camps or call 434-572-5506. Limited spots remain.