DCC President Dr. Jerry Wallace, SVHEC Executive Director Dr. Betty Adams, and SVHEC Workforce Training Staff: Director Sandi Satterfield, Program Coordinator Jermaine Gooden, Technical & Industrial Leader Jeff Brown and HVAC@SVHEC Program Leader Duane Hatcher.
Danville Community College (DCC) in partnership with the Southern Virginia Higher Education Center (SVHEC), is excited to announce the launch of its Industrial Maintenance – Electrical & Instrumentation (Levels 1-4) training program in South Boston. This initiative aims to not only equip individuals who are looking to enter Industrial Maintenance field with the necessary skills, but also to up-skill those who are already working in an industrial setting.
“DCC is thrilled to bring this impactful opportunity to Halifax County,” said Chad Younger, Director of Workforce Services. “Our continued partnership with the Southern Virginia Higher Education Center highlights the priority both organizations place on creating educational opportunities in Halifax County.”
The Industrial Maintenance – Electrical & Instrumentation training program is designed to prepare students for professional roles in the Industrial Maintenance field. Throughout the program, participants will engage in 205 hours of training in Level 1, followed by 160 hours of training in each of Levels 2-4, covering both theoretical concepts and practical applications.
“We’re excited to partner with DCC to bring this program to the Southern VA Higher Education Center. By combining training in industrial maintenance, electrical, and instrumentation, this program provides the perfect combination of skills to meet the needs of our regional workforce. We’re excited to get started with our very talented Jeff Brown as the lead instructor,” said Sandi Satterfield, SVHEC Director of Workforce Training Programs.
Students enrolled in the training will undergo rigorous training in various electrical and instrumentation skills, including but not limited to:
- Introduction to the National Electrical code, and electrical theory with alternating current.
- Electrical & Instrumentation drawings, pneumatic controls, and installation of tubing and piping systems
- Control valves, actuators, and positioners.
Industrial Maintenance – Electrical & Instrumentation training will begin on August 11, 2024 and will run until December 2025. Classes will be held Monday-Thursday, 5:30pm-8:30pm. All courses will take place at SVHEC.
The total tuition cost for the program is $2,000 for levels one and two; and $3,105 for levels three and four.
However, many students attend courses at a reduced cost or no cost, thanks to a variety of financial aid programs and scholarships. Virginia residents will automatically have their tuition reduced by two-thirds through the FastForward program, bringing the total to $900 for the first two levels and $1,035 for the final two.
With the help of additional scholarships and grants, many students attend with no out-of-pocket cost.
For inquiries and application submissions, please contact Lakisha Crews at 434-797-8537 or Angela Crews at (434) 572-5452.
For more information about Danville Community College and its offerings, visit www.danville.edu.